Ask a Dentist

September 6, 2024

How Can I Maintain Healthy Oral Habits as the Seasons Change? September 6th, 2024

As the seasons change, here are some ways to maintain a healthy smile!

Our routines change with the seasons, and those changes might affect how we take care of our teeth and gums. No matter the season—the change from summer to fall with all the hustle and bustle, or the arrival of winter with all its jolly foods and chilly weather—it's important to keep up with regular dental care. So as the seasons change, here are some ways to maintain a healthy smile!

Maintain Consistent Schedules

It’s easy to let your regular dental hygiene routine slip as the seasons change. Whether you’re adjusting to shorter days, starting a new school year, or getting caught up in holiday celebrations, maintaining a consistent schedule is super important! No matter how busy life gets, be sure to brush and floss your teeth at least twice a day.

Foods and Drinks in Season

Seasonal changes bring new food and drink options, many of which can have an effect on your dental hygiene. For example, some seasonal treats that could aggravate dental decay include apple cider, pumpkin spice lattes, and all of the Halloween candy! During the fall months, you might like to sip on a mug of hot chocolate or sample some sweet seasonal delicacies. Try and keep sugary foods and drinks to a minimum and, if you must indulge, clean your teeth soon after or swish your mouth with water to remove the sugar!

Be Sure to Drink Enough Water

People tend to drink less water when the weather becomes colder, which might cause dry mouth. Saliva is essential for cleaning away food particles and bacteria, but its production is reduced when the mouth is dry. Staying hydrated is important, so remember to drink lots of water throughout the day. After drinking something hot, like coffee or tea, it's a good idea to drink a glass of water to quench your mouth and rinse your teeth.

Take Care of Your Lips

Cold, dry weather can cause lips to chap, which is not only painful but also encourages licking, which transfers bacteria from the mouth to the skin. Even in the dead of winter, you can protect your lips from drying out by applying a lip balm with an SPF.

Pay Attention to Your Gums

Sometimes, gums might get more sensitive or irritated when the weather changes. Maintaining healthy gums requires regular brushing and flossing as well as a well-rounded diet high in vitamins and minerals. Vitamin C-rich foods, including citrus fruits, can aid in gum health!

Consistency and awareness of how factors like weather and food can impact your dental health are important for maintaining healthy practices year-round. A proper oral hygiene routine includes visiting your dentist at least twice a year for regular cleanings and checkups. If you’re in Winnipeg, Dental Image Therapy Centres has locations in Garden City Shopping Centre and St. Vital Centre.  

Haven’t visited a dentist in a while? Schedule an appointment with us today—we're accepting new patients!

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