Ask a Dentist

December 18, 2020

Q: What are the reasons for tooth pain?

A girl holds her hand to her jaw in pain.

Having a nasty toothache is one of the most painful and uncomfortable things in the whole world. When you start to feel it, nothing else matters. Your attention is focused solely on disruptive pain. 

You can use painkillers to temporarily eliminate or minimize the discomfort, but the pain will be back as soon as they wear off. 

A toothache is usually a symptom that tells you something is wrong with your teeth. We highly recommend you visit your dentist immediately. At Dental Image Therapy Centres, we will investigate the causes of your tooth pain and develop a special treatment plan just for you. Treatment plans are designed to fix the problem and also to help avoid worse problems developing. 

Teeth Sensitivity

Teeth sensitivity is usually caused by enamel damage and other issues. It leads to discomfort. For example, you may experience pain while drinking cold beverages or hot coffee. Eating and consuming your favourite treats may become painful. According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR), damaged enamel is often the result of consuming sugars and acids. If you’re experiencing this kind of sensitivity, please visit your dentist, who can help you and choose proper treatment for your enamel. 


Even if cavities are small, they can cause so many big problems! From the sharp pain when you bite something to more serious infections that can cause terrible dental diseases. The reason for the pain is usually an open enamel surface and exposure of sensitive tooth nerves. If you experienced a sharp pain and noticed that your tooth looks different, call your dental clinic immediately to book an appointment. 

Cracked Tooth

When you crack or chip your tooth, it is usually followed by a toothache. You can get this problem by accident when you are playing some contact sports or eating some hard foods. Don’t worry if it happens to you. Your dentist can treat your damaged tooth and eliminate pain. There are several options available, including crowns or veneers, depending on your diagnosis.


This problem is one of the most uncomfortable and requires particular treatment. It usually happens when you are not treating cavities on time and infection damages the tooth’s tissue. According to the American Dental Association (ADA), an abscess can cause symptoms such as pain, redness, swelling and a bad taste in your mouth. If you have abscess symptoms, you need to see your doctor immediately to get the required dental care.

Problems With A Filling, Crown Or Veneer

Sometimes your filling, crown or veneer may crack or become damaged. This can expose the nerves in your tooth again, leading to increased sensitivity and maybe a toothache. Book your dental appointment and get your filling, crown or veneer replaced or repaired.

We Can Help You

Painkillers are not a solution when you have a toothache. Also, remember that self-treatment of toothache can be dangerous for your health. If you have any dental issues symptoms listed above, please book your dental appointment and get proper treatment of your teeth. Call us today to get your consultation or assistance at one of our clinics. Dental Image Therapy Centres has two Winnipeg dental clinics located at Garden City Shopping Centre and St. Vital Centre. We’re always ready to help you with your dental concerns.

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Maybe it's time for your and your family's regular checkup and cleaning, you have a toothache or you need to get your treatment plan going - whatever the reason, we're here to help you get your confident smile. Whether you're a new patient or a returning friend, we can't wait to see you at your next appointment at either of our Winnipeg clinics!

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