Is it uncomfortable to eat or drink hot and cold foods? Do you have sharp pain in your teeth, and don’t know what to do? You probably have sensitive teeth. Having sensitive teeth is a widespread dental problem. According to the Academy of General Dentistry, approximately 40 million people have teeth sensitivity. There are a lot of different ways to treat this dental issue. One way is to use sensitive toothpastes. At Dental Image Therapy Centres, we have many patients with tooth sensitivity issues and can help find the toothpaste that’s best for your teeth.
Tooth sensitivity is a result of enamel wearing away or having exposed nerves in your teeth. Tooth sensitivity can cause pain similar to having a cavity or tooth damage. That’s why it is essential to visit your dentist if you’re experiencing any pain or discomfort. Many factors can cause this dental problem, and it’s not age dependent. Even people at a young age can have increased teeth sensitivity.
Eating and drinking acidic products (citric fruits, carbonated beverages, fruit juices, vinegar, wine, etc.) can cause teeth sensitivity and enamel erosion. Over whitening your teeth can be harmful for teeth enamel and cause discomfort (so if you’re going to whiten your teeth, talk to your dentist first, at Dental Image Therapy we offer Zoom whitening). Also, your teeth can become sensitive because of irregular dental care. Even using inappropriate toothpaste and toothbrushes can increase teeth sensitivity. Your dentist at Dental Image Therapy Centres can help you determine the cause of teeth sensitivity and get proper treatment.
Don’t worry if you have sensitive teeth. You can eliminate the discomfort and annoying pain by using special sensitive toothpastes. This type of toothpaste contains special minerals like potassium nitrate or stannous fluoride. These ingredients help by protecting your teeth enamel and reduce the discomfort caused by sensitivity.
Stannous fluoride has the proven benefit of blocking the dentin tubule holes. Dentin tubules are small hollow tubes or canals found in your dentin below the tooth enamel. The dentin becomes exposed when your tooth enamel becomes eroded. Blocking these holes helps to reduce the pain and discomfort while you are drinking or eating your favourite food.
Potassium nitrate helps in pain relief by numbing the nerves in your sensitive teeth. It does this by interacting with the nerve synapses, which prevents the pain signals from passing along the synapse. This interaction reduces your feeling of discomfort or pain.
Remember, sensitive toothpaste will help with your sensitivity but will not treat the root cause of the problem. We still recommend that you visit your dentist to discover the root cause of the issue and get more specific recommendations and a treatment plan tailored to your teeth.
It is always better to prevent tooth issues than have uncomfortable and exhausting treatments. To maintain good oral hygiene, Dental Image Therapy Centres recommends all patients brush their teeth with sensitive toothpaste, use a toothbrush with soft bristles, use floss and have regular checkups and cleanings with your dentist.
If you have sharp pain whenever you’re having something cold or hot or have any questions about tooth sensitivity and treatment, book your dental appointment today. We’re ready to help you at either of our Winnipeg dental clinics located at St. Vital Centre and Garden City Shopping Centre.
Maybe it's time for your and your family's regular checkup and cleaning, you have a toothache or you need to get your treatment plan going - whatever the reason, we're here to help you get your confident smile. Whether you're a new patient or a returning friend, we can't wait to see you at your next appointment at either of our Winnipeg clinics!
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