Have you ever wondered about the temperature of the water you use when you brush your teeth? Some people like it warm, and others like it cold – either as a preference or to prevent pain or discomfort from tooth sensitivity.
Tooth sensitivity is a common condition, affecting anywhere from 20–50% of the population, that causes a short, intense pain when teeth are exposed to specific stimuli. It can occur for a number of reasons, but is often the result of brushing too hard, too frequently or too long. For many who are affected by tooth sensitivity, cold is the most typical source of pain, so it makes sense that sufferers would avoid brushing with cold water wherever possible. But does using warm water get your teeth cleaner? And, more importantly, does the heat cause additional wear on your teeth when brushing?
Since hot water is associated with deep cleaning, you might think that brushing with hot water does a better job of keeping your teeth sparkly white. After all, if hot water is better for washing dishes, it should stand to reason that it would do the same with your teeth.
But, in truth, the temperature of the water—warm or cold—doesn’t affect the quality of your oral hygiene routine nearly as much as consistently brushing and flossing twice a day in addition to regular dental check-ups and cleanings does.
When it comes to the effect that water temperature has on tooth wear, some research has shown that there is no significant difference between warm and cold water. In fact, how hard you brush, and for how long, matters far more than water temperature. So, if you prefer warm water to help manage pain for tooth sensitivity (or just because you prefer it), rest assured that there aren’t any downsides to brushing with it, though there aren’t any additional benefits either.
If you deal with tooth sensitivity, the good news is that there are several treatment options to help reduce or alleviate the pain – but relief starts with a thorough examination from your dentist. If it’s been longer than six months since your last check-up, book your appointment with us today by clicking the orange button and following the prompts. And remember, tooth pain isn’t just a fact of life, through a combination of better brushing habits and help from your dentist, a pain-free mouth can be right around the corner.
Maybe it's time for your and your family's regular checkup and cleaning, you have a toothache or you need to get your treatment plan going - whatever the reason, we're here to help you get your confident smile. Whether you're a new patient or a returning friend, we can't wait to see you at your next appointment at either of our Winnipeg clinics!
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