Ask a Dentist

Q: What do dental hygienists do at Dental Image Therapy Centres?

A dental hygienist works on a dental patient.

Dental hygienists are licensed dental professionals. Every dental hygienist at Dental Image Therapy Centres is registered with the College of Dental Hygienists of Manitoba – the regulating body for dental hygienists in Manitoba. 

Dental hygienists have an important role at Dental Image Therapy Centres. Working with your dentist, your dental hygienist makes sure that you can lead your life with a healthy, confident smile. 

Dental hygienists help prevent gum and tooth decay by deep cleaning your teeth. They do this by using special tools to remove calcium and plaque deposits, polishing your teeth, and applying preventative materials such as fluoride and sealants to help your teeth and gums fight cavities after your appointment. Dental hygienists will also teach you how to properly clean your teeth and gums. Your oral health is their top priority and giving you the knowledge to clean your teeth at home is an important step in having a healthy smile.

If you haven’t had your teeth cleaned in the last six months, book your next appointment today with one of our amazing dental hygienists at either of our Winnipeg locations.

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Maybe it's time for your and your family's regular checkup and cleaning, you have a toothache or you need to get your treatment plan going - whatever the reason, we're here to help you get your confident smile. Whether you're a new patient or a returning friend, we can't wait to see you at your next appointment at either of our Winnipeg clinics!

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