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Q: Will chewing whitening gum whiten my teeth?

Two Winnipeg dentists look at a model of the human mouth in a Dental Image Therapy Centre location.

Though it doesn’t actually whiten your teeth, chewing whitening gum, or most sugarless gum, after eating can help prevent stains, cavities, and plaque build-up on your teeth.

Most whitening gums contain a mild abrasive, such as titanium dioxide or baking soda, which acts as gentle brushing to remove surface area stains.

Other benefits of chewing whitening or sugar-free gum are increased saliva production. Saliva contains minerals like calcium, phosphate, and fluoride, which help remineralize the tooth and strengthen enamel. The increase of saliva also prevents the buildup of plaque by helping remove food particles between the teeth. The saliva acts to wash away any surface film and prevent it from building up on the teeth and gums.

Gum can also neutralize acids when chewed immediately after eating, helping to decrease the risk of cavities. Just be sure it is sugarless gum, so you don't encourage the bacteria to flourish in the mouth.

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