Tooth sensitivity is often the result of worn-down enamel and exposed root surfaces. The earlier you learn to manage the factors contributing to these issues, the better chance you’ll have at reducing the sensitivity.
Aggressive or improper brushing technique, grinding or clenching your teeth, and crooked teeth with an improper bite can cause trauma to the root and tissues of your teeth, resulting in sensitivity.
We recommend the following to build and maintain healthy teeth (and help you eat ice cream without pain):
1. Use an extra soft-bristled toothbrush. When bristles are too hard, they wear down the enamel and irritate/push back the gums.
2. Brush in a circular motion. This way, you’re not smashing the toothbrush and its bristles against your teeth or gums. Do not scrub side-to-side. It is healthier to brush towards the biting surface of your teeth.
3. Depending on your level of sensitivity, you may want to look into using a toothpaste specifically for sensitive teeth. These should be used on a consistent basis in order to maintain a level of sensitivity protection.
4. Visit your dentist to assess your bite. We can discuss options for preventing traumatic grinding and for straightening the teeth.
Schedule an appointment with us at our St. Vital Centre or Garden City Shopping Centre locations today - we have friendly dentists waiting at both of our Winnipeg dental clinics to help you.
Maybe it's time for your and your family's regular checkup and cleaning, you have a toothache or you need to get your treatment plan going - whatever the reason, we're here to help you get your confident smile. Whether you're a new patient or a returning friend, we can't wait to see you at your next appointment at either of our Winnipeg clinics!
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