Ask a Dentist

August 30, 2024

What Should I Know if My Child is Starting the School Year with Clear Aligners?

A close up of a young child holding a clear aligner to her teeth.

As students head back to school, those starting the year with clear aligners face unique challenges and opportunities. At Dental Image Therapy Centres, we understand the importance of maintaining your orthodontic treatment while balancing the demands of school life. Here’s some helpful advice to ensure your clear aligner journey is smooth and successful throughout the school year.

1. Stay Consistent with Wear Time

Clear aligners, like Invisalign, need to be worn for 20-22 hours a day to be effective. This means you should only remove them for eating, drinking (anything other than water), and brushing your teeth. It can be tempting to leave them out during long school hours or extracurricular activities, but consistency is key to achieving the best results.

Tip: Set reminders on your phone to help you remember to put your aligners back in after meals. Consistent wear is crucial for your treatment to progress as planned.

2. Maintain Good Oral Hygiene

Keeping your teeth and aligners clean is essential. Food particles and bacteria can get trapped between your teeth and the aligners, leading to cavities and bad breath. Make it a habit to brush your teeth after every meal before putting your aligners back in.

Tip: Carry a hygiene kit with you to school. Include a travel-sized toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, and a small bottle of mouthwash. This way, you can keep your teeth clean even when you're on the go.

3. Plan for Meal Times

Since you need to remove your aligners while eating, it’s important to plan your meal times carefully. Ensure you have enough time to eat, brush, and put your aligners back in before rushing to your next class.

Tip: Use a retainer case to store your aligners during meals. This will prevent them from getting lost or damaged. Never wrap them in a napkin, as they can easily be thrown away by mistake.

4. Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water is important for overall health and helps keep your mouth clean. Water can wash away food particles and reduce the risk of dry mouth, which can be exacerbated by wearing aligners.

Tip: Keep a refillable water bottle with you at all times. Avoid sugary or acidic drinks like soda and juice while your aligners are in, as they can lead to tooth decay and staining.

5. Communicate with Teachers and Coaches

Let your teachers and coaches know about your clear aligners. This can help them understand if you need extra time to brush your teeth after lunch or if you need to remove your aligners during meals.

Tip: A quick conversation at the beginning of the school year can prevent misunderstandings and ensure you have the support you need to maintain your aligner routine.

6. Be Prepared for Discomfort

It’s normal to experience some discomfort when switching to a new set of aligners. This can make it challenging to concentrate in class or participate in activities.

Tip: Take over-the-counter pain relief if needed and use orthodontic wax to cover any sharp edges on the aligners. Staying hydrated and sticking to soft foods can also help ease the discomfort.

7. Keep Track of Your Aligners

Aligners are transparent and can be easily misplaced. Always store them in their case when not in use and avoid placing them on lunch trays or desks where they can be overlooked or thrown away.

Tip: Label your aligner case with your name and contact information in case it gets lost. Consider keeping a spare case in your backpack as a backup.

8. Stay Positive and Patient

Orthodontic treatment with clear aligners is a journey that requires patience and dedication. Stay positive and remember that each day with your aligners brings you closer to a healthier, straighter smile.

Tip: Celebrate small milestones and remind yourself of the end goal. The temporary inconvenience is worth the long-term benefits.

Starting the school year with clear aligners may come with some challenges, but with a little planning and dedication, you can maintain your orthodontic treatment while excelling in school. At Dental Image Therapy Centres, we are here to support you every step of the way. If you have any questions or need additional advice, don’t hesitate to contact us!

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